Clean Water with the Thirst Project
In 2019, Genexa joined the Thirst Project in funding a well in the Lotificación San Alfredo, Cangrejera, La Libertad community in El Salvador. Prior to the well, people were forced to get their drinking and cooking water from an uncovered, contaminanted water source. Now, the community has access to clean water.
Our Impact Partners
Vitamin Angels
We work with Vitamin Angels, a charity providing lifesaving vitamins to mothers and children at risk of malnutrition, to provide donations which promote health and can even save lives.
Thirst Project
Over 600 million people on are planet are living without access to clean water RIGHT NOW. We want to do our part to celebrate World Water Day by walking for water with Thirst Project. 100% of the money raised will go directly towards bringing people access to safe, clean water.
March of Dimes
March of Dimes leads the fight for the health of all moms and babies. We’ve teamed up to donate medicine and supplements to help every baby have the best possible start.