Here’s what Genexa celebrities are saying:
"I, like many health-conscious millennial moms, wasn't aware that most common medicines found on store shelves contain artificial ingredients…this was enough to set me on a path to finding something clean, and I was led straight to Genexa."
"After I figured out what [Genexa] was doing, I became very interested in how to make things more clean… I just felt like it was something that people deserve."
"I was able to learn so much about what was in the children's medicine I was given as a kid and to know that now there is a clean alternative is really exciting and why I love sharing that knowledge with other parents."
"The work Genexa is doing to give people access to the first clean medicine options felt deeply personal, and I wanted to be part of their growth and at the forefront of the clean medicine movement they're pioneering."